Bronies Wiki
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This article, Angel Ponies, is the property of LUNA! None shall edit or use this page without her permission. If edited or used with out her permission, you shall feel her wrath!

Angel Ponies are a kind of Pegasus ponies. They only way to become an Angel is in the occurence of their death, the both must have shown great sacrifice. Angel Ponies can only be seen by those who they are a guardian of and any close friends of the pony


Angel Species chart by Lunaflaire



Normal angel ponies who work in other ways than being a guardian.

Junior Guardians[]

An Angel who is on there way to becoming a guardian.

Guardian Angel[]

Receives Halo and strong wings. Becomes a guardian of a pony.

Full Fledged Angels[]

More of a council member and a high ranking status. Has halo and strong wings.

Spirit Angels[]

Very Rare and are said to be myths. They can control an elemental spirit. The only know Spirit Angel is Annabelle, The Leader of The Angel Ponies.

Role In The Human World[]

In the Equestria Girls Universe, Angel Ponies can only be seen by those who they are a guardian of and any close friends of the pony.

Known Angel Ponies[]


Junior Guardians[]

Guardian Angel[]

Full Fledged Angels[]

Spirit Angels[]
