Bronies Wiki
Elements of Chivalry

The Elements of Chivalry (Hope, Liberty, and Might)

Elements of Chivalry Silver

Elements of Chivalry (Silver Edition)

The Elements of Chivalry are three supernatural artifacts connected to the Elements of Harmony, their power is deprived of true actions in strength and heroism. The Element of Chivalry can give the good ponies of Equestria an edge against evil powers, like that of the Element of Darkness. The elements enhance the bearers' strength, speed, and magic, to give the wearers a fighting chance. The elements wield a more unique magic than their sister elements. The Elements of Chivalry are offensive tools, with the power to vanquish great evil.

My Noble Steeds: Friendship is Might

My Noble Steeds, part 1 and part 2

The Elements of Chivalry originated from the Tree of Chivalry, a magic tree that shares the same origins as the Tree of Harmory. They were discover and used by Sir Checkmate in order to defeat the evil dragon, Balaur. After Checkmate defeat the dragon, he returned the elements to the tree.

Bright Idea - Hope

Bright Idea possesses the element of hope. He dreams that his crazy inventions will be part of the future. He never loses sight of believing that his inventions can help other ponies in ways they couldn't do before.

Nimbus Quasar - Liberty

Nimbus Quasar possesses the element of liberty. As an artist, he would express his emotions in his performances. Whether it is in dancing, singing, acting, or acrobatics, he sends a message to his audiences' hearts through his actions and movements in different types of music and themes.

Sir Sheath - Might

Sir Sheath possesses the element of might. He battles the greatest foes with pure strength and honor. He always pushes through with bravery, wisdom, determination, and the will to fight evil and protect the Princesses, his friends, and all of Equestria.


There were originally six Elements of Chivalry for six stallions to play opposite the Mane 6; Honor, Liberty, Trust, Hope, Humility, and Justice (which was later change to the "Element of Might" to be opposite of Twilight Sparkle's Element of Magic). Knowing that the stallions would take up too much screentime than the original characters, the number of stallions and elements have been reduce by half (leaving Bright Idea, Nimbus Quasar, and Sir Sheath).

Elements of Might

The Element of Might, evolved in the future.

Other versions

Chess Triskelion

Triskelion of Chivalry

Triskelion of Chivalry is a magical force as old as the Tree of Harmony itself. It was discovered by the founders of Equestria.
