Bronies Wiki
Yo hi hello, just wanna let you know that Cat Ponies, belongs to This Lombax over here so please do not change anything about it without her permission. K thanks.

Cat Ponies are a kind of pony that have similar traits to that of a cat. They can come in all four different types of pony, but pegasi (Pegacats) are the most common. They live in the empire of Cattainia, and have a democracy instead of a monarchy. The current president of the empire is Zoey Sparks.


All Cat Ponies have cat like features, these include:

  • Cat like ears - The ear varies depending on the pony, Leopard themed cat ponies will have leopard ears (Example being Zoey Sparks), Lynx themed cat ponies will have lynx ears (Example being Fuzz-Ball Sparks) and some can have normal pony ears, though this is rare.
  • Cat like tails
  • Pupils that can become slits, though some can have slits for pupils all the time. (Example being Missy)


Pegacats are the most common of the species and are found almost everywhere in the empire. Like the name implies, these are Cat Ponies with pegasi wings.


Earthcats are the second most common of the species. These are just normal cat ponies with no wings or horns, they have the same abilities are normal earth ponies and are often farmers. Earthcats also have more defined cat features, this includes claws and whiskers.


Unicats are more rare in the empire due to the loss of so many during the war. They are just like normal unicorn ponies with different classes of magical ability.


Alicats are fairly rare, they are the ones who would be the equivalent to that of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. There is still a royal family of Alicats in Cattainia, who's main purpose is to serve as a tourist attraction.


Batcats are the rarest of all the Cat Ponies, it is said that there is only one family left in existence and they are a very shy group. As implied, Batcats are Cat Ponies with bat wings.

Known Cat Ponies[]






Hybrid Cat Ponies[]

Ponies that have Cat Pony features, but do not fit in to the other Cat Pony classifications.


  • The way the Cat Pony empire operates is heavily based on that of the way that the country of Great Britain is.