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This article, Zefra, is the property of LUNA! None shall edit or use this page without her permission. If edited or used with out her permission, you shall feel her wrath!

Kind Zorse
Sex Female
Eyes Teal
Mane Green and Blue
Coat Lavender and Gray Stripes
Relatives K.B. (Mother)

Zeo (Father)

Cutie mark
Kid cm
Zefra's Tribal Symbol with a Treble Clef

Zefra is the daughter of K.B. and Zeo, thus her being a unicorn and zebra hybrid also known as a Zorse. Unfortunately this marked her an outcast in school because many ponies found her to be weird. Zefra's magic abilities are also greater than others because of her being a hybrid. 


Zefra is very wild like her mom and very brave like her dad. She is shown to be very sad at times due to being made fun of as a child for her race.




Zefra's appearance differs from many other ponies she knows. She has stripes like her father and a horn like her mother. She is also known as a "Zorse" because of her being a hybrid.




Zefra and Zeo are forbidden to ever go back to her father's tribe since Zeo married K.B. which is forbidden in the tribe to like unicorns, earth ponies, and pegasi. The only other zebra from the tribe that talks to them is Zecora, who at a young age fell in love with a pegasus. Sadly Zecora's husband died thus her being alone until she met the mane 6 ponies (Twilight, Pinkie, etc.)
